This is a highly intensive hands-on training course designed to enable its target group to understand and become competent with working on a wide range of pneumatic equipment. The course covers a multitude of important learning topics from compressed air theory to circuit design and building.
This course forms the necessary foundation step to further training in the area of Factory Automation and associated Control Technologies. The Course is run by Declan McEvoy. Declan has been working with Industrial Pneumatic Systems in Ireland for over 35 years. Declan is a practical hands-on person, passionate about his subject and most articulate in its delivery. He has a great method of varying from the classroom to the projector screen and back to the equipment – very clever – to keep interest and flow for this very enjoyable training course.
Below are some pictures of two training courses held recently.
Next course is being held in Cork on the 7th and 8th of June.
Availability is limited, so book today to secure a place.